America's largest Subaru enthusiast festival

Stafford Motor Speedway - Stafford Springs, CT
** June 8, 2025 **

Jordan H's 1991 Loyale BASE

Member #21096

Car Description:
completely stock manual transmission 2WD Loyale wagon. This car is what i was raised in by my grandparents as a child, i searched for one for easily three years before i found one that was in a nice enough shape (79,658 miles) for me to consider restoration. it ended up coming from New Britain from a drug dealer of all people and i ended up getting into a three way car chase up I84 over this car between me and my grandfather in his forester, the tow truck, and some other guy who put a down payment on the car i didnt know about until i had already signed all the paperwork. it was a stressful day for sure but in my possesion this car will not see another winter and is my daily driver in the summer.

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